P.A. 1 / S.O. 1.1 - N. 206

inTERaCt 4.0

Trilateral EmpoweRment for Change 4.0

Project Summary

The main goal of inTERaCT 4.0 is to create favourable conditions for the development of a 4.0 growth model for enterprises, achievable through organizational changes, enabling companies to implement industrial automation measures, encourage the adoption of digital systems and IoT (Internet of Things), and guide constant development of human resources’ knowledge and skills.  The expected result is to reinforce the competitiveness and efficiency of enterprises, thanks to improved interconnection and cooperation of resources (machines, people, information), in-house and with cross border markets.



Total budget 1.166.515,00 EUR
EU Contribution IPA co-financing 85%
Duration 2018 / 2020

Main Outputs

-    National Contact Points
-    Guidelines of regulatory dispositions for 4.0 growth of enterprises
-    Mediterranean Innovation Hub and ‘Smart showcase’
-    ICT & Skills Cluster Platform and Technological services

Project Partnership
Lead Partner
Lead Partner: Bashkimi i Dhomave të Tregëtisë dhe Industrisë së Shqipërisë (AL) - Contacts: Klotilda Binjaku - klotilda.binjaku[at]
Project Partners
  1. Qendra e Promovimit të Biznesit dhe Ekonomisë (AL)
  2. Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura di Bari (IT)
  3. Università del Salento (IT)
  4. Privredna komora Crne Gore (ME)
  5. Univerzitet Mediteran (ME)
Industry 4.0: Challenges for SMEs