The Chamber of Economy of Montenegro through the inTERact 4.0 project, funded by the EU through the cross-border cooperation program INTERREG Italy-Albania-Montenegro, organized a conference titled "Industry 4.0: Opportunities, Challenges and Perspectives". The conference was held on September 28, 2021.
The inTERact 4.0 project deals with issues of digitalization, industry 4.0 and modernization of small and medium enterprises. The project activities are aimed at creating a business environment that is in the service of digital innovation, strengthening the education system, providing support to entrepreneurial companies in the initial and growth phase, strengthening industries with growth potential and initiating public dialogue on the benefits of digital transformation. The main product of the inTERact 4.0 project is the development of Guidelines for the development of companies that need growth based on faster and more efficient organization of resources and the creation of new values and business models that meet the needs of consumers. Also, the project envisages the development of a Consolidation Guideline for companies that must strengthen their market position before using fourth-generation technologies to gain a competitive advantage.
The Chamber of Economy of Montenegro invites you to take part in the meeting where the final results of the project will be presented, to discuss the current situation when it comes to Industry 4.0 in Montenegro, as well as future challenges and development opportunities.
Due to Covid-19 situation, the meeting was held in a hybrid form.